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  • Memet Ali-Alabora

    Memet Ali-Alabora

    Turkish, Deep, Upbeat

    Flag for Turkey

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: Turkish
    • Languages: English, Turkish
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Dubbing, Film, International, Promo, Television, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Documentary
  • James Armstrong

    James Armstrong

    English neutral, Relaxed, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, Dubbing, eLearning, Idents, Montage, Musical, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Announcer, Monologue, Singing, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Daniel Emilio Baldock

    Daniel Emilio Baldock

    Flag for Italy

    Italian, Comedic, Strong

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 45 – 55 years
    • Accent: Italian
    • Languages: English, Italian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Drama, Dubbing, International, IVR, Radio, Television, Trailer, Monologue, Commercial, Expressive, Persuasive
  • Alexander Ballinger

    Alexander Ballinger

    Flag for Russia

    Bi-­lingual German/­Russian, Versatile, Upbeat

    Flag for Germany

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, Russian, German
    • Languages: English, German, Russian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, Continuity, Drama, Dubbing, Educational, Explainers, Film, International, Mocap, Montage, Promo, Prompts, Radio Drama, Trailer, Video Games, Monologue, Bright, Character, Charming, Cheerful, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Informative, Musical, Narration, Persuasive, Playful, Versatile
  • Rory Barnett

    Rory Barnett

    RP/­English neutral, Trustworthy

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Scottish, Irish, French, Australian, South African, American, Welsh, German
    • Languages: English, French, German
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Continuity, Educational, Explainers, Idents, Promo, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Impressionist, Monologue, Voice of God, Animated, Authoritative, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Corporate, Documentary, Engaging, Informative, Intelligent, Narration, Reliable, Smooth, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Emma Bensley

    Emma Bensley

    North East, Relatable, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accent: Northern
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Drama, Educational, eLearning, Explainers, Idents, Promo, Prompts, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Monologue, Bubbly, Commercial, Contemporary, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Experienced, Informative, Lively, Narration, Natural, Playful, Reassuring, Relatable, Upbeat
  • Natalie Beran

    Natalie Beran

    New Zealand, Quirky, Fun

    Flag for New Zealand

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: New Zealand
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Dubbing, Educational, eLearning, Idents, Mocap, Podcast, Promo, Prompts, Radio Drama, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Monologue, Bubbly, Character, Cheerful, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Energetic, Expressive, Happy, Informative, Lively, Narration, Quirky, Upbeat
  • Tim Bick

    Tim Bick

    English neutral, Essex. Direct, Authoritative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Drama, Dubbing, Educational, eLearning, Idents, Mature Voice, Radio, Radio Drama, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Character, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Direct, Documentary, Friendly, Honest, Informative, Masculine, Narration, Presenter, Reassuring, Relaxed, Reliable, Thoughtful
  • Timothy Blore

    Timothy Blore

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Bi-­lingual, English/­German, Versatile

    Flag for Austria

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States, German, Transatlantic
    • Languages: English, German
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Drama, Dubbing, Educational, Film, Idents, International, IVR, Montage, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Direct, Documentary, Informative, Narration
  • Annice Boparai

    Annice Boparai

    Flag for United Kingdom

    English neutral, Reassuring, Warm

    Flag for India

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, English, RP, Neutral, Indian
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Drama, Educational, International, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Video Games, Young Voice, Monologue, Character, Commercial, Documentary
  • Ioana Botezan

    Ioana Botezan

    Romanian, Dynamic, Relatable

    Flag for Romania

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: Romanian
    • Language: Romanian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, eLearning, Promo, Radio, Commercial, Confident, Friendly, Reassuring, Relatable
  • Fiona Boylan

    Fiona Boylan

    Mancunian, Raspy, Sultry

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: Northern, Manchester
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Video Games, Monologue, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Gravelly, Laid-back, Narration, Presenter
  • Richie Bratby

    Richie Bratby

    Birmingham, Cheeky, West-­Midlands

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, English, Birmingham
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Video Games, Character, Charming, Cheeky, Comedic, Confident, Conversational, Deep, Down to earth, Enthusiastic, Expressive, Friendly, Funny, Upbeat
  • Dan Burton

    Dan Burton

    English neutral, Musical, Professional

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Cockney, London, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States, Puerto Rican
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Drama, Educational, Explainers, Film, Musical, Promo, Prompts, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Announcer, Singing, Voice of God, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Informative, Narration, Presenter, Well-Spoken
  • Kieran Phoenix Chantrey

    Kieran Phoenix Chantrey

    Engaging, Versatile, Comedic

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: British, English, London, Irish, Neutral, American, Transatlantic
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, eLearning, Film, Montage, Podcast, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Announcer, Impressionist, Animated, Bright, Character, Cheerful, Clear, Comedic, Commercial, Confidential, Contemporary, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Experienced, Friendly, Imaginative, Informative, Narration, Presenter, Reassuring, Relatable, Streetwise, Stylish, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Upbeat, Urban
  • Beth Davison

    Beth Davison

    Welsh, RP, Vibrant

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: British
    • Languages: English, Welsh
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Announcer, Authoritative, Commercial, Confidential, Corporate, Documentary, Narration
  • Alicia Dillon

    Alicia Dillon

    Liverpudlian, Upbeat, Soft

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: Liverpool
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Educational, Idents, Musical, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Singing, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Nicola Ditter

    Nicola Ditter

    Flag for Germany


    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, French, Neutral, German
    • Languages: English, French, German
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Dubbing, Promo, Radio, Monologue, Character, Commercial, Gentle, Informative, Persuasive, Sensual, Thoughtful, Versatile
  • Chris England

    Chris England

    English Neutral, Mature voice, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 60 – 70 years
    • Accents: British, English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Comedy, Continuity, Mature Voice, Podcast, Radio, Sport, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Voice of God, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Thoughtful, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Emily Essery

    Emily Essery

    Northern, Relatable, Energetic.

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Comedy, Montage, Radio, Radio Drama, Amusing, Character, Cheerful, Energetic, Imaginative, Quirky, Smiley
  • Anna-Maria Everett

    Anna-Maria Everett

    Flag for United Kingdom

    London (cockney), Neutral, Italian

    Flag for Italy

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accents: English, Cockney, London, Italian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Drama, Film, Idents, International, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Singing, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Energetic, Friendly, Narration, Streetwise
  • Jennifer Fitzgerald


    Jennifer Fitzgerald

    Irish Natural, Warm, Neutral & Versatile

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 40 years
    • Accent: Irish
    • Languages: English, Irish Gaelic
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Audio Drama, Educational, Character, Commercial, Conversational, Documentary, Down to earth, Emotive, Informative, Narration, Natural, Persuasive, Smooth, Thoughtful, Warm
  • Antonio Fornaris

    Antonio Fornaris

    Spanish, Transatlantic, Vibrant

    Flag for Puerto Rico

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: Spanish, American, Transatlantic
    • Languages: English, Spanish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Dubbing, Explainers, International, Promo, Video Games, Announcer, Commercial, Narration
  • James Gillies

    James Gillies

    Scottish, Mature voice, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 65 – 75 years
    • Accent: Scottish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Educational, Explainers, IVR, Mature Voice, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Characters, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Documentary, Mature, Narration, Natural, Persuasive, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Thomas Hannett

    Thomas Hannett

    Geordie, Warm, Relaxed

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, Newcastle, Geordie
    • Genres & Tones: Radio, Cheeky, Down to earth, Engaging, Friendly, Presenter, Warm
  • Susan Harrison

    Susan Harrison

    English Neutral, Warm, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, Radio, Radio Drama, Bright, Character, Characters, Commercial, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Expressive, Friendly, Funny, Quirky, Upbeat
  • Matilda Hofberg

    Matilda Hofberg

    Swedish, Versatile, Direct

    Flag for Sweden

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: Not specified
    • Languages: English, Swedish
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Comedy, Dubbing, Film, International, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate
  • Andrea Holland

    Andrea Holland

    Flag for Spain

    Bi-­Lingual, Spanish/­English

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, Spanish
    • Languages: English, Spanish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Drama, International, Video Games, Young Voice, Bright, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Innocent, Narration, Well-Spoken, Youthful
  • Kenzie Horn

    Kenzie Horn

    American, Warm, Engaging

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accent: American
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, International, Commercial, Confident, Documentary, Feminine, Gentle, Relaxed, Soft, Subtle, Thoughtful
  • Yojiro Ichikawa


    Yojiro Ichikawa

    Japanese, Warm, Thoughtful

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Japanese, American
    • Languages: English, Japanese
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Dubbing, Film, International, Promo, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Engaging
  • Joanna Ignaczewska

    Joanna Ignaczewska

    Polish, Bright, Youthful

    Flag for Poland

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Accent: Polish
    • Languages: English, German, Polish
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Dubbing, International, IVR, Radio, Television, Documentary, Fresh, Informative, Youthful
  • Anthony Ilott

    Anthony Ilott

    English Neutral, Versatile, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, London, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Drama, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Announcer, Character, Characters, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Earthy, Emotive, Informative, Relatable, Relaxed, Smooth, Trustworthy
  • Rob Jandy

    Rob Jandy

    English Neutral, Raspy, Mature Voice

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: French, German, Polish
    • Genres & Tones: Dubbing, International, Mature Voice, Radio, Charming, Commercial, Documentary, Expressive, Presenter, Well-Spoken
  • Gabrielle Jourdan

    Gabrielle Jourdan

    RP/­English neutral, Concise, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 50 – 60 years
    • Accent: RP
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Comedy, Film, Idents, Musical, Radio, Television, Singing, Commercial, Corporate, Narration
  • Lucas Keen

    Lucas Keen

    English neutral, Reassuring, Natural

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, English, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Drama, Idents, Meditation, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Voice of God, Bright, Charming, Clear, Commercial, Deep, Documentary, Emotive, Gravitas, Narration, Presenter, Smiley, Comforting
  • Jill Kenton

    Jill Kenton

    English Neutral, Husky, Expressive, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Dubbing, Explainers, IVR, Mature Voice, Promo Imaging, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Announcer, Commercial, Conversational, Corporate, Gravelly, Informative, Mature, Presenter
  • Matilda Kime

    Matilda Kime

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Bi-­lingual, English neutral/­French, Smooth

    Flag for France

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, French
    • Languages: English, French
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Idents, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate
  • Wictor Koch

    Wictor Koch

    Swedish, Upbeat, Gravitas

    Flag for Sweden

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Not specified
    • Languages: English, Swedish
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Dubbing, International, Montage, Musical, Video Games, Singing, Voice of God, Characters, Commercial, Deep, Engaging, Imaginative, Lyrical, Rich, Strong
  • Aisling Leyne

    Aisling Leyne

    Irish. Authentic, Engaging, Enticing

    Flag for Ireland

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 45 – 55 years
    • Accent: Irish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Mature Voice, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Commercial, Conversational, Friendly, Mature
  • Glenn Louis Pettit

    Glenn Louis Pettit

    RP/­English neutral, Sincere, Assured

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Educational, Radio, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Corporate, Distinctive, Documentary, Friendly, Informative, Narration, Strong, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Sarah MacKenzie

    Sarah MacKenzie

    Scottish, Soft, Assured, Sassy, Authoritative, Reassuring. can do strong Glasgow or Edinburgh.

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accent: Scottish
    • Genres & Tones: Continuity, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Television, Authoritative, Bright, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Honest, Informative, Lively, Persuasive, Presenter, Reassuring, Relaxed, Smooth, Soft, Soothing, Thoughtful
  • Ramesh Mahtani

    Ramesh Mahtani

    Flag for India

    English Neutral, Spanish, Asian

    Flag for Spain

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accent: Spanish
    • Languages: English, Spanish, Punjabi
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Dubbing, Educational, Explainers, International, Mature Voice, Radio, Radio Drama, Announcer, Authoritative, Commercial, Confidential, Corporate, Intelligent, Mature, Narration, Reassuring, Relaxed, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Jodie Marsh-Hoffmann

    Jodie Marsh-Hoffmann

    Unique, Friendly, Upbeat

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, Northern
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Podcast, Radio, Television, Video Games, Young Voice, Bright, Bubbly, Character, Commercial, Documentary, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Iconic, Narration, Vibrant, Wit, Young, Youthful
  • Seb Mayo

    Seb Mayo

    London, Essex, English neutral

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 25 years
    • Accents: English, Cockney, London, Neutral, Essex
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Montage, Radio, Video Games, Bright, Cheeky, Cheerful, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Conversational, Cool, Corporate, Documentary, Down to earth, Warm, Wit, Youthful
  • Karis Pentecost

    Karis Pentecost

    English Neutral, Clear, Energetic

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: English, Cockney, London
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Continuity, Explainers, Mocap, Promo, Radio, Television, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Tom Pidoux

    Tom Pidoux

    English neutral, Strong, Assured

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Film, Idents, Promo, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Voice of God, Animated, Character, Characters, Commercial, Contemporary, Corporate, Documentary, Emotive, Informative, Narration, Thoughtful, Well-Spoken
  • Mark Restuccia


    Mark Restuccia

    Friendly, Everyman, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Explainers, Radio, Video Games, Cheerful, Comedic, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Dry, Experienced, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Gravelly, Gravitas, Masculine, Narration, Natural, Reassuring, Relaxed, Thoughtful, Upbeat, Warm
  • Victoria Riley

    Victoria Riley

    Northern, Lancashire, RP

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 45 years
    • Accents: Northern, RP, Lancashire
    • Genres & Tones: Mature Voice, Radio, Television, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Documentary, Informative, Narration, Reassuring, Relatable, Warm
  • Josh Samuels

    Josh Samuels

    Deep, Rich, Vibrant

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Lisa Shingler


    Lisa Shingler

    Northern, RP/­Neutral, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Liverpool, West Country, Neutral, Essex, American, Yorkshire, Lancashire
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Drama, Continuity, Explainers, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Characters, Charming, Comedic, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Experienced, Narration, Reliable, Trustworthy, Versatile, Warm
  • Maaike Snoeijer

    Maaike Snoeijer

    Dutch, Classic, Upbeat

    Flag for Netherlands

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: Not specified
    • Languages: English, Dutch
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Dubbing, Educational, Explainers, Film, Idents, International, Promo, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration
  • Daniel Stockton

    Daniel Stockton

    Southern American, Quirky, Upbeat

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Accents: American, Standard United States
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Drama, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Vara Stolyarova

    Vara Stolyarova

    Russian, English neutral, Versatile, Youthful, Soft, Calming, Light, Upbeat

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 20 years
    • Accents: English, Neutral, Russian
    • Languages: English, Russian
    • Genres & Tones: Not specified
  • Arno van Zelst

    Arno van Zelst

    Flag for Netherlands

    Friendly, Youthful, Conversational

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: French, Canadian, American, Standard United States, German, Transatlantic, Dutch
    • Languages: English, Dutch
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Bright, Charming, Commercial, Smooth, Youthful
  • Dominica Warburton

    Dominica Warburton

    English Neutral, Clear

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 50 – 60 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Explainers, Mature Voice, Radio, Television, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Narration, Reassuring, Well-Spoken
  • Karen Whyte

    Karen Whyte

    English Neutral/­Scottish, Comedic, Expressive

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, Scottish, Irish, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Montage, Radio, Video Games, Young Voice, Impressionist, Spoken Word, Comedic, Commercial, Narration
  • Christopher Wilde

    Christopher Wilde

    English Neutral, Relatable, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Comedy, Educational, Explainers, Mature Voice, Montage, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Character, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Deep, Engaging, Experienced, Expressive, Honest, Informative, Thoughtful, Trustworthy
  • Milan Williams

    Milan Williams

    American, Authentic, Reassuring

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accent: American
    • Genres & Tones: Video Games, Announcer, Animated, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Documentary, Friendly, Natural, Relaxed
  • Elisabeth Yorke-Bolognini

    Elisabeth Yorke-Bolognini

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Bi-­Lingual, English RP/­Italian, Musical

    Flag for Italy

    • Gender: Female (She/Her)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 50 – 60 years
    • Accents: English, Italian
    • Languages: English, Italian
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Educational, eLearning, International, Mature Voice, Musical, Radio, Television, Video Games, Singing, Animated, Authoritative, Character, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Emotive, Mature, Narration, Soothing, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Versatile, Vibrant, Well-Spoken