
No accents available No languages available No genres available years
  • No talent are available to view with the current search query, filter or both.
  • Marcus Ako

    Marcus Ako

    American, Nigerian, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Accents: Nigerian, American, West African
    • Languages: English, Nigerian
    • Genres & Tones: Comedy, Character, Comedic, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Deep, Distinctive, Friendly, Gravitas, Informative, Thoughtful, Warm
  • David Alade

    David Alade

    Youthful, Urban, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 25 years
    • Accents: London, Caribbean, American, West African
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Young Voice, Bright, Commercial, Cool, Emotive, Laid-back, Lyrical, Narration, Playful, Urban, Youthful
  • Memet Ali-Alabora

    Memet Ali-Alabora

    Turkish, Deep, Upbeat

    Flag for Turkey

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: Turkish
    • Languages: English, Turkish
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Dubbing, Film, International, Promo, Television, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Documentary
  • Ivo Arakov

    Ivo Arakov

    Flag for Bulgaria

    Bi-­Lingual Russian/­Bulgarian

    Flag for Russia

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Bulgarian, Russian
    • Languages: English, Bulgarian, Russian
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, Dubbing, Explainers, Film, International, Promo, Radio, Television, Monologue, Voice of God, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Dramatic, Narration, Presenter
  • James Armstrong

    James Armstrong

    English neutral, Relaxed, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, Dubbing, eLearning, Idents, Montage, Musical, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Announcer, Monologue, Singing, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Geoff Arnold

    Geoff Arnold

    Warm, Relaxed, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Cockney, Scottish, Neutral, Essex, American, German
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Comedy, Radio, Announcer, Comedic, Commercial, Conversational, Documentary, Gravitas, Narration, Natural, Trustworthy
  • Andrew Ashford

    Andrew Ashford

    English neutral, Rich, Deep

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: English, London, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Commercial, Documentary, Gravitas, Narration, Natural, Reassuring, Trustworthy, Warm
  • Daniel Emilio Baldock

    Daniel Emilio Baldock

    Flag for Italy

    Italian, Comedic, Strong

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 45 – 55 years
    • Accent: Italian
    • Languages: English, Italian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Drama, Dubbing, International, IVR, Radio, Television, Trailer, Monologue, Commercial, Expressive, Persuasive
  • Alexander Ballinger

    Alexander Ballinger

    Flag for Russia

    Bi-­lingual German/­Russian, Versatile, Upbeat

    Flag for Germany

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, Russian, German
    • Languages: English, German, Russian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, Continuity, Drama, Dubbing, Educational, Explainers, Film, International, Mocap, Montage, Promo, Prompts, Radio Drama, Trailer, Video Games, Monologue, Bright, Character, Charming, Cheerful, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Informative, Musical, Narration, Persuasive, Playful, Versatile
  • Jamie Bannerman

    Jamie Bannerman

    Raspy, Cheeky Chappie, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, Cockney, London
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Drama, Educational, eLearning, Film, Idents, Montage, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Monologue, Bubbly, Character, Charming, Cheeky, Comedic, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Earthy, Friendly, Masculine, Narration, Presenter, Relatable, Relaxed
  • Rory Barnett

    Rory Barnett

    RP/­English neutral, Trustworthy

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Scottish, Irish, French, Australian, South African, American, Welsh, German
    • Languages: English, French, German
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Continuity, Educational, Explainers, Idents, Promo, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Impressionist, Monologue, Voice of God, Animated, Authoritative, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Corporate, Documentary, Engaging, Informative, Intelligent, Narration, Reliable, Smooth, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Karl Bates

    Karl Bates

    Cambridgeshire, Commentator, Informational

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Continuity, Educational, Explainers, Idents, Mature Voice, Podcast, Promo, Prompts, Radio, Radio Drama, Sport, Television, Terms & Conditions, Announcer, Authoritative, Commercial, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Experienced, Informative, Narration, Natural, Relatable, Trustworthy
  • Tim Bick

    Tim Bick

    English neutral, Essex. Direct, Authoritative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Drama, Dubbing, Educational, eLearning, Idents, Mature Voice, Radio, Radio Drama, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Character, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Direct, Documentary, Friendly, Honest, Informative, Masculine, Narration, Presenter, Reassuring, Relaxed, Reliable, Thoughtful
  • Timothy Blore

    Timothy Blore

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Bi-­lingual, English/­German, Versatile

    Flag for Austria

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States, German, Transatlantic
    • Languages: English, German
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Drama, Dubbing, Educational, Film, Idents, International, IVR, Montage, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Direct, Documentary, Informative, Narration
  • Richie Bratby

    Richie Bratby

    Birmingham, Cheeky, West-­Midlands

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, English, Birmingham
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Video Games, Character, Charming, Cheeky, Comedic, Confident, Conversational, Deep, Down to earth, Enthusiastic, Expressive, Friendly, Funny, Upbeat
  • Daniel Breheny


    Daniel Breheny

    Calm, Trustworthy, Well-­spoken

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, Southern, London, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, eLearning, Explainers, Terms & Conditions, Announcer, Charming, Confident, Corporate, Experienced, Expressive, Natural, Trustworthy, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Jumaane Brown

    Jumaane Brown

    Neutral, Warm, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: Midlands
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Dan Burton

    Dan Burton

    English neutral, Musical, Professional

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Cockney, London, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States, Puerto Rican
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Drama, Educational, Explainers, Film, Musical, Promo, Prompts, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Announcer, Singing, Voice of God, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Informative, Narration, Presenter, Well-Spoken
  • George Bury

    George Bury

    Northern Manchester, RP, Scottish-­Standard

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Manchester, Neutral, American, Standard United States, Yorkshire
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Radio, Radio Drama, Charming, Cheeky, Cheerful, Comedic, Commercial, Conversational, Earnest, Narration, Reassuring
  • Paul Cawley

    Paul Cawley

    Mature voice, Direct, Compelling

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 65 – 75 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Comedy, Drama, Mature Voice, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Announcer, Monologue, Authoritative, Character, Commercial, Confident, Confidential, Corporate, Documentary, Down to earth, Mature, Narration, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Kieran Phoenix Chantrey

    Kieran Phoenix Chantrey

    Engaging, Versatile, Comedic

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: British, English, London, Irish, Neutral, American, Transatlantic
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Comedy, eLearning, Film, Montage, Podcast, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Announcer, Impressionist, Animated, Bright, Character, Cheerful, Clear, Comedic, Commercial, Confidential, Contemporary, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Experienced, Friendly, Imaginative, Informative, Narration, Presenter, Reassuring, Relatable, Streetwise, Stylish, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Upbeat, Urban
  • Stefan Chanyaem

    Stefan Chanyaem

    English Neutral, Comedic flair, Deep

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, London, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Explainers, Radio, Radio Drama, Monologue, Calm, Character, Cheeky, Clear, Commercial, Corporate, Emotive, Reassuring, Relaxed, Thoughtful, Well-Spoken
  • Philip Chryssikos

    Philip Chryssikos

    English Neutral, Commentator, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 45 – 55 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Continuity, IVR, Promo, Radio, Sport, Announcer, Voice of God, Commercial, Corporate, Presenter
  • Carsten Clemens

    Carsten Clemens

    German, Gravitas, Confident

    Flag for Germany

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: English, American, German
    • Languages: English, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Television, Authoritative, Charming, Commercial, Documentary, Narration, Thoughtful
  • Marcus Collins

    Marcus Collins

    Liverpudlian, Musical, Fun

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: Liverpool
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Musical, Radio, Singing, Commercial, Corporate
  • David Coyne

    David Coyne

    Geordie, Cheeky, Soft

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Accent: Newcastle
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Educational, Idents, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration
  • Harry Curley

    Harry Curley

    Youthful, Charming, Natural

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 18 – 24 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 30 years
    • Accents: Northern, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Oscar da Silva


    Oscar da Silva

    Neutral English, Warm, Engaging

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 18 – 24 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 25 years
    • Accents: English, London, RP, Neutral, American
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Comedy, Mocap, Radio, Young Voice, Amusing, Bright, Character, Charming, Cheerful, Clear, Comedic, Commercial, Conversational, Expressive, Happy, Informative, Warm, Well-Spoken, Youthful
  • Kevin De Groot

    Kevin De Groot

    Flag for Netherlands

    Tri-­lingual, Dutch/­English/­Spanish. Friendly, Confident

    Flag for Spain

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: Caribbean, Spanish, American, Transatlantic, Dutch
    • Languages: English, Dutch, Spanish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, International, Musical, Video Games, Singing, Character, Commercial
  • Michael Dodds

    Michael Dodds

    Northern Irish, Smooth, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: Irish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Narration
  • Chris England

    Chris England

    English Neutral, Mature voice, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 60 – 70 years
    • Accents: British, English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Comedy, Continuity, Mature Voice, Podcast, Radio, Sport, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Voice of God, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Thoughtful, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Antonio Fornaris

    Antonio Fornaris

    Spanish, Transatlantic, Vibrant

    Flag for Puerto Rico

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: Spanish, American, Transatlantic
    • Languages: English, Spanish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Dubbing, Explainers, International, Promo, Video Games, Announcer, Commercial, Narration
  • Andre Fyffe

    Andre Fyffe

    Urban, Current, London

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: London
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Drama, Film, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Young Voice, Monologue, Spoken Word, Animated, Commercial, Confident, Cool, Documentary, Down to earth, Emotive, Narration, Natural, Presenter, Urban
  • James Gaddas

    James Gaddas

    RP/­ English neutral, Gravitas, Deep

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 60 – 70 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Continuity, Idents, Mature Voice, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Sport, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Video Games, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Character, Characters, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Deep, Direct, Distinctive, Documentary, Emotive, Engaging, Gravitas, Informative, Masculine, Mature, Rich, Thoughtful
  • Eric Geynes

    Eric Geynes

    French, Upbeat, Bright

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: French
    • Languages: English, French
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Dubbing, Film, Mocap, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Documentary, Thoughtful
  • Will Gillham

    Will Gillham

    RP/­English neutral, Clear, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: British, West Country, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Educational, Film, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Reassuring, Well-Spoken
  • James Gillies

    James Gillies

    Scottish, Mature voice, Informative

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 65 – 75 years
    • Accent: Scottish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Educational, Explainers, IVR, Mature Voice, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Trailer, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Characters, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Documentary, Mature, Narration, Natural, Persuasive, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Jordan Ginger

    Jordan Ginger

    English neutral. Relaxed, Informative,

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Continuity, Educational, Musical, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Trailer, Video Games, Singing, Character, Commercial, Contemporary, Documentary, Informative, Natural, Reassuring, Relatable, Well-Spoken
  • Clement Giren

    Clement Giren

    French, Vibrant, Cool

    Flag for France

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: French
    • Languages: English, French
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Comedy, Film, International, Musical, Television, Video Games, Singing, Calm, Commercial, Cool, Narration, Reassuring, Relatable, Upbeat, Vibrant, Youthful
  • Thomas Hannett

    Thomas Hannett

    Geordie, Warm, Relaxed

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, Newcastle, Geordie
    • Genres & Tones: Radio, Cheeky, Down to earth, Engaging, Friendly, Presenter, Warm
  • Andreas G Hansen

    Andreas G Hansen

    Danish, Expressive, Playful

    Flag for Denmark

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: Not specified
    • Languages: English, Danish
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, International, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Documentary
  • Shiraz Haq

    Shiraz Haq

    English neutral, Smooth, Deep

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral, Indian
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Film, Idents, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Trailer, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Deep, Well-Spoken
  • Adrian Hayes

    Adrian Hayes

    English neutral, Informative, Educational

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 60 – 70 years
    • Accents: British, English
    • Genres & Tones: Continuity, Educational, Sport, Television, Announcer, Commercial, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Christophe Hespel

    Christophe Hespel

    French, Friendly, Dynamic

    Flag for France

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Accent: French
    • Languages: English, French
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Dubbing, Educational, Explainers, International, Radio, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration
  • Joshua Hill

    Joshua Hill

    Cockney, Confident, Gravitas

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Cockney, London, RP, Neutral, Essex
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Drama, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Bright, Character, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Conversational, Documentary, Gravitas, Honest, Lilting, Playful, Reassuring, Relatable, Smooth, Streetwise, Strong, Upbeat
  • Florian Hutter

    Florian Hutter

    French Canadian, Smooth, Engaging

    Flag for French Canada

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: French
    • Languages: English, French
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Dubbing, Idents, Mocap, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Tom Hygreck

    Tom Hygreck

    French, Smooth, Expressive

    Flag for France

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accent: French
    • Languages: English, French
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial
  • Yojiro Ichikawa


    Yojiro Ichikawa

    Japanese, Warm, Thoughtful

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Japanese, American
    • Languages: English, Japanese
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Dubbing, Film, International, Promo, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Engaging
  • Anthony Ilott

    Anthony Ilott

    English Neutral, Versatile, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, London, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Drama, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Announcer, Character, Characters, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Earthy, Emotive, Informative, Relatable, Relaxed, Smooth, Trustworthy
  • Nate James

    Nate James

    Musical, Upbeat, Comedic Expressive

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Comedy, Musical, Promo, Radio, Television, Singing, Spoken Word, Comedic, Commercial, DJ, Documentary, Presenter
  • Rob Jandy

    Rob Jandy

    English Neutral, Raspy, Mature Voice

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 50 years
    • Accents: French, German, Polish
    • Genres & Tones: Dubbing, International, Mature Voice, Radio, Charming, Commercial, Documentary, Expressive, Presenter, Well-Spoken
  • Paul Jerricho

    Paul Jerricho

    RP/­English neutral, Mature voice, Gravitas

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 40 – 70 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Film, Podcast, Radio, Television, Video Games, Voice of God, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Abilio Joao

    Abilio Joao

    Flag for Portugal

    Portuguese, Spanish, Spoken word

    Flag for Spain

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: London, Spanish, Portuguese
    • Languages: English, Angolan, Spanish, Portuguese
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, International, Musical, Promo, Prompts, Radio Drama, Rap, Television, Video Games, Young Voice, Monologue, Singing, Spoken Word, Voice of God, Character, Characters, Commercial, Contemporary, Conversational, Corporate, Emotive, Energetic, Engaging, Narration, Natural, Persuasive, Presenter, Urban, Youthful
  • Emile Joo

    Emile Joo

    Youthful, Engaging, Playful

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Accents: London, American, Standard United States, Transatlantic
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Educational, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Young Voice, Monologue, Commercial, Relatable, Relaxed, Young, Youthful
  • Kyran Julius

    Kyran Julius

    Urban, Deep, Expressive

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, London
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Film, Radio, Rap, Video Games, Singing, Spoken Word, Deep, Distinctive, Presenter, Upbeat, Urban
  • Louie Keen

    Louie Keen

    English Neutral, Rich, Deep

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: British, English, London, RP, Irish, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Radio, Television, Trailer, Video Games, Announcer, Character, Characters, Clear, Commercial, Distinctive, Narration, Reassuring
  • Lucas Keen

    Lucas Keen

    English neutral, Reassuring, Natural

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: British, English, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Drama, Idents, Meditation, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Voice of God, Bright, Charming, Clear, Commercial, Deep, Documentary, Emotive, Gravitas, Narration, Presenter, Smiley, Comforting
  • Axel Kengne

    Axel Kengne

    French, Warm, Sincere

    Flag for France

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: French, West African, Cameroon
    • Language: French
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Video Games, Characters, Commercial, Corporate, Emotive, Informative, Narration
  • Jamie Kenna

    Jamie Kenna

    Upbeat, Comedic, Conversational

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accents: English, Cockney, London
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Mature Voice, Montage, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Authoritative, Characters, Comedic, Commercial, Corporate
  • Will Kerr

    Will Kerr

    Current, Relatable, Natural

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 25 years
    • Accents: English, London, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Radio, Video Games, Charming, Commercial, Conversational, Corporate, Documentary, Friendly, Narration, Natural, Relatable, Relaxed, Youthful
  • Wictor Koch

    Wictor Koch

    Swedish, Upbeat, Gravitas

    Flag for Sweden

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Not specified
    • Languages: English, Swedish
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Dubbing, International, Montage, Musical, Video Games, Singing, Voice of God, Characters, Commercial, Deep, Engaging, Imaginative, Lyrical, Rich, Strong
  • Michael Lavin

    Michael Lavin

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Irish, Relaxed, Irresistibly Smooth

    Flag for Ireland

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: Irish, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Continuity, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Announcer, Commercial, Deep, Documentary, Gravelly, Presenter
  • Joshua Lay

    Joshua Lay

    English neutral, Upbeat contemporary, Clear

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Musical, Radio, Video Games, Singing, Commercial
  • Carl Lindquist

    Carl Lindquist

    Swedish, Musical, Engaging

    Flag for Sweden

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Scandinavian, Transatlantic
    • Languages: English, Swedish
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Dubbing, Film, Musical, Announcer, Singing, Animated, Character, Charming, Commercial, Distinctive, Documentary, Engaging, Expressive
  • Glenn Louis Pettit

    Glenn Louis Pettit

    RP/­English neutral, Sincere, Assured

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Educational, Radio, Announcer, Voice of God, Authoritative, Corporate, Distinctive, Documentary, Friendly, Informative, Narration, Strong, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Well-Spoken
  • Rufus Love

    Rufus Love

    RP/­English neutral, Youthful, Versatile

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: British, English, RP, Neutral, American, Standard United States
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Dubbing, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Tommy Love

    Tommy Love

    Irish, Empathic, Natural

    Flag for Ireland

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: Irish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Film, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Documentary, Narration
  • Ossian Luke

    Ossian Luke

    Versatile. Relaxed, Calm, Confident

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, London, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Continuity, Radio, Video Games, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Conversational, Corporate, Down to earth
  • Ramesh Mahtani

    Ramesh Mahtani

    Flag for India

    English Neutral, Spanish, Asian

    Flag for Spain

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accent: Spanish
    • Languages: English, Spanish, Punjabi
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Dubbing, Educational, Explainers, International, Mature Voice, Radio, Radio Drama, Announcer, Authoritative, Commercial, Confidential, Corporate, Intelligent, Mature, Narration, Reassuring, Relaxed, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Seb Mayo

    Seb Mayo

    London, Essex, English neutral

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 18 – 25 years
    • Accents: English, Cockney, London, Neutral, Essex
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Montage, Radio, Video Games, Bright, Cheeky, Cheerful, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Conversational, Cool, Corporate, Documentary, Down to earth, Warm, Wit, Youthful
  • Philip McGuinness

    Philip McGuinness

    Liverpudlian, Chatty, Comedic, Friendly, Welcoming

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: Northern, Liverpool
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Continuity, Idents, Montage, Podcast, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Character, Cheerful, Comedic, Commercial, Contemporary, Conversational, Documentary, Down to earth
  • Pedro Minas

    Pedro Minas

    Flag for Brazil

    Swiss-­Brazilian, Transatlantic, Upbeat

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: Canadian, American, Brazilian
    • Languages: English, German
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Dubbing, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Perry Moore

    Perry Moore

    English neutral, Musical, Versatile

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: English, Northern, Cockney, London, RP, Neutral, Birmingham, American
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Audio Drama, Film, Idents, Musical, Radio, Television, Video Games, Singing, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Narration
  • Jason Nicoli

    Jason Nicoli

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Bi-­lingual English/­ Italian, Cheeky, Friendly

    Flag for Italy

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, Italian
    • Languages: English, Italian
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Dubbing, International, IVR, Promo, Commercial, Narration
  • Vincenzo Nicoli

    Vincenzo Nicoli

    Bi-­lingual English/­Italian, Mature voice, Solid

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 65+ years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accents: Not specified
    • Languages: English, Italian
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Dubbing, Idents, Mature Voice, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Character, Characters, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Mature, Narration, Presenter, Thoughtful
  • Harry Palmer

    Harry Palmer

    English Neutral, Expressive

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Montage, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Narration
  • George Parker


    George Parker

    RP/­English Neutral, Deep, Gravitas

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Dubbing, Montage, Musical, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Monologue, Singing, Amusing, Authoritative, Charming, Commercial, Conversational, Corporate, Deep, Documentary, Dreamy, Friendly, Gravelly, Gravitas, Husky, Informative, Narration, Natural, Persuasive, Presenter, Reassuring, Relaxed, Rich , Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Upbeat, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Jack Parr

    Jack Parr

    Northern, Matey, Comedic

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accents: Northern, London, Neutral, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Drama, Comedy, Radio, Video Games, Character, Cheeky, Comedic, Commercial
  • Tom Pidoux

    Tom Pidoux

    English neutral, Strong, Assured

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Continuity, Film, Idents, Promo, Radio, Television, Terms & Conditions, Video Games, Voice of God, Animated, Character, Characters, Commercial, Contemporary, Corporate, Documentary, Emotive, Informative, Narration, Thoughtful, Well-Spoken
  • Rowan Polanski

    Rowan Polanski

    English Neutral, Assured, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Continuity, Film, Radio, Television, Trailer, Commercial
  • Matt Rawle

    Matt Rawle

    Birmingham, Friendly, Comedic

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 45 – 55 years
    • Accents: British, English, Neutral, Birmingham, American, Standard United States
    • Genres & Tones: Musical, Singing, Clear, Comedic, Commercial, Corporate, Narration
  • Oliver Rednall

    Oliver Rednall

    English neutral, Authoritative, Charming

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Continuity, Idents, Podcast, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration
  • Mark Restuccia


    Mark Restuccia

    Friendly, Everyman, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Explainers, Radio, Video Games, Cheerful, Comedic, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Dry, Experienced, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Gravelly, Gravitas, Masculine, Narration, Natural, Reassuring, Relaxed, Thoughtful, Upbeat, Warm
  • Adam Robert Lewis

    Adam Robert Lewis

    Welsh, Musical, Velvety

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accent: Welsh
    • Languages: English, Welsh
    • Genres & Tones: Film, Musical, Television, Singing, Commercial
  • Josh Samuels

    Josh Samuels

    Deep, Rich, Vibrant

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Sam Saunders

    Sam Saunders

    English Neutral, Charming, Upbeat

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Audio Drama, Explainers, Radio, Singing, Charming, Commercial, Contemporary, Mellow, Narration, Thoughtful
  • Santino Smith

    Santino Smith

    Scottish, Commanding, Friendly

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 35 years
    • Accent: Scottish
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Documentary, Narration
  • Adam Stevens

    Adam Stevens

    Northern Neutral, Charming, Clear

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 45 years
    • Accent: English
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Drama, Explainers, Promo, Radio, Commercial, Corporate
  • Daniel Stockton

    Daniel Stockton

    Southern American, Quirky, Upbeat

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Accents: American, Standard United States
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Drama, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary
  • Anton R Thompson

    Anton R Thompson

    Urban, Engaging, Upbeat

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: British, English, London, Neutral, Caribbean, American, Afro-Caribbean, West African, Swahili, Jamaican, African
    • Languages: English, Swahili
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Educational, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Announcer, Character, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Honest, Narration, Playful, Presenter, Upbeat, Urban, Youthful
  • Eddie Toll

    Eddie Toll

    Flag for United Kingdom

    Bi-­Lingual Eng/­Ru, Versatile, Confident

    Flag for Russia

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: English, Russian
    • Languages: English, Russian
    • Genres & Tones: Radio, Television, Commercial, Confident, Contemporary, Natural, Persuasive
  • Oscar Trayte

    Oscar Trayte

    English neutral, Smooth, Engaging, Current

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 18 – 24 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accent: British
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Educational, Explainers, Promo, Television, Video Games, Young Voice, Commercial, Corporate, Narration, Upbeat, Urban
  • Arno van Zelst

    Arno van Zelst

    Flag for Netherlands

    Friendly, Youthful, Conversational

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accents: French, Canadian, American, Standard United States, German, Transatlantic, Dutch
    • Languages: English, Dutch
    • Genres & Tones: ADR, Animation, Bright, Charming, Commercial, Smooth, Youthful
  • Nathan Vaughan-Harris

    Nathan Vaughan-Harris

    English neutral, Smooth, Velvety

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 35 – 44 years
    • Voice Range: 30 – 40 years
    • Accents: British, English, Manchester, London, RP, Neutral, American
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Film, Radio, Television, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Laid-back, Narration
  • Alex Walker

    Alex Walker

    Scottish, Husky, Gravitas

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 55 – 64 years
    • Voice Range: 55 – 65 years
    • Accent: Scottish
    • Genres & Tones: Audio Books, Drama, Mature Voice, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Video Games, Voice of God, Authoritative, Commercial, Deep, Direct, Documentary, Mature, Narration, Thoughtful, Warm, Well-Spoken
  • Dominic Weatherill

    Dominic Weatherill

    Northern (Yorkshire), Current, Charming

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 20 – 30 years
    • Accent: Northern
    • Genres & Tones: Animation, Audio Books, Comedy, Dubbing, Idents, Podcast, Promo, Radio, Video Games, Commercial, Corporate, Documentary, Narration, Presenter
  • Christopher Wilde

    Christopher Wilde

    English Neutral, Relatable, Warm

    Flag for United Kingdom

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 45 – 54 years
    • Voice Range: 35 – 40 years
    • Accents: English, RP, Neutral
    • Genres & Tones: Comedy, Educational, Explainers, Mature Voice, Montage, Promo, Radio, Radio Drama, Television, Terms & Conditions, Character, Commercial, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Deep, Engaging, Experienced, Expressive, Honest, Informative, Thoughtful, Trustworthy
  • Milan Williams

    Milan Williams

    American, Authentic, Reassuring

    Flag for United States of America

    • Gender: Male (He/Him)
    • Age Range: 25 – 34 years
    • Voice Range: 25 – 30 years
    • Accent: American
    • Genres & Tones: Video Games, Announcer, Animated, Charming, Commercial, Confident, Corporate, Documentary, Friendly, Natural, Relaxed